Sunday, September 13, 2009


What is up with everyone wanting to be friends. We all so want to be friends that even the President with 70% of voters OK with his speech to the schoolchildren, has to try and bring the other 30% over to his side. I mean really, is the other 30% more important than the 70%? This really exemplifies how much approval is needed not only by our President, but by us as a nation as well.

Is it the pressure of having every one's approval leading us to friendships we do not really desire. When did respect and ties to your community become less important than the Neighbor I bonded with yesterday liking and accepting me. Basic rules of communication and human exchange are being replaced with a constant need of approval from visible and invisible masses that we give power to create opinion polls that have us doubting ourselves.

President Obama is such good friends with the newscasters in Philadelphia that most of them refer to him as Mr. Obama. My upstairs Neighbor told me how she loves it when the workers in our apartment complex call her baby or darling because she is "tight" with them. I expressed that they can me Ma'am or Madame as they do in my country because I am not their buddy. My Neighbor then told me that if your friends with them they help you out, do special favors. It seems to me that a friendship not earned but assumed on glib aesthetics is what people want, then they can call me President Obama as well. In the end no matter what position you hold in life or unto yourself, if your not careful, you can easily become whatever someone wants to make you if you seek approval and not respect.

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