Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comcast Special

Money-In Squeezing Out Cents! Everything we do has to justify its expenses. Cable we pay $38 with DVR included and free HBO for a year. Comcast has a coupon online now for internet service for $19.99 and faster modem included. Here is the deal, I got their internet service and I am paying with taxes for cable and internet $65.88. This is worth it to me because we use coupons and amongst other sources to print from. Paying for one service saves money for other expenses. Plus cable keeps Piggy calm. You always want to keep Piggy calm. More on that later. My tip on Comcast is keep track of your expenses and make sure to read that bill throughly. I was being charged $15.00 on the DVR when they told me $8.00. They do a lot of double talk for example the woman kept saying your getting a special price. Really lady I am thinking not special enough. Its $8.00 or nothing. Once you start slipping on the pricing you will not catch the little add ons that companies like Comcast do when your not paying attention. Has anyone ever gone through that? What did you do?

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