Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Living with Kitty

Niyima-Queen of Gas, not the Nile has been with us for a week. We are all getting used to each other. Niyima believes she runs us, and with her constant farting she does. Getting regular meals puts her in a good mood. Then again don't we all get in a good mood when we are eating regular? I know I do. There are a lot of great pet coupons out there. There are even some great sales if you can go. I was able to buy gasalot (her other name) tarter control cat treats from walmart $1.98 with $2.00 coupon and a couple of buy one get one free items. Right now we are chugging along.
We are also writing down prices in stores and we go to comparison shopping. Since our weekly shopping on non food items is $5.00, affording the cat is going to be a challenge.
Shoprite is having a sale on Feline Pine Litter for $1.99 for 7lbs. Now since Niyima-Queen of Gas has started to go to the bathroom more regularly, litter is moving at a fast rate. My sister Piggy is walking around the apartment like a sharpshooter with her two aerosal cans of Lysol Neutra Air. You know its funny when I was buying all these sprays on sale and airwick, glade etc. Piggy was ranting to me how we do not use that stuff she did not care that cost me less than and dollar blah, blah, blech.
Now that she is the Sheriff of Stinkdown and cannot live without the Febreze Plug In constantly in the wall. What a difference a cat makes.

Friday, September 18, 2009

PiGGY'S RANT - Talking Badly about Goggle

WTF is wrong with Goggle? Putting Time-Warner and Direct TV Ads on our blog. Where we live at the Manor (hood talk for fancy living) there is no Time-Warner service and no Direct TV allowed. Shouldn't I have a say in what goes on the blog? I am advertising for something I have never used before. I believe in endorsing what you know. We may have to part ways with Goggle Adsense if they continue to put things I know nothing about on my blog. Thank you the Piggy has spoken.

Walgreens Shopping-Cat Food

I started shopping at Walgreen's beginning of 2009. I was just starting to clip coupons. Trying to figure out how to better our quality of life. Walgreen's Register Reward was my new lesson. I buy an item, toothpaste for example use a coupon and get back the money you paid in a Register Reward which is a Walgreen's coupon. I bought Rembrandt Toothpaste for $5.00, had a newspaper coupon for $1.00 (score!). Paid $4.00 (I'll leave out taxes for now) and received a $5.00 Register Reward back. Now Walgreen's call their Register Rewards coupons is dodgey for me. I have read so many blogs explaining how it works. Hands on experience also helps.
My sister and I went to Walgreen's and bought Truth North Almond Crisps for $3.00 each. We both had a $1.00 coupon. Our out of pocket expense each, $2.00. Register Reward $3.00.
Cat food sale-Friskies cans 6 for $3.00, Purina Cat Chow-Kitten Formula 3lb bag $6.50 (ouch).
I have a coupon for $3.oo off Purina Cat Chow. Our out of pocket expense was $1.00 because we bought a filler item to go with Walgreen's rules. I know I am explaining the Walgreen's rules horribly so please read, and,,,, and so many more other I cannot remember.
There are so many animal coupons right now. Perhaps it was the right time to find the cat. I am worried about a vet. So far, so good. Nimaya is farting her way to good health, and I found a couple of Cat Litter coupons, mazeltov to that.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cat Whisperer-Piggy gets a Cat

Piggy and I were bin shopping. We were watching the workers in our building throwing out furniture hoping to score. We saw a table and went for it. The tabletop was rotted but we heard a cat crying in one of the storerooms. The cat meowed and Piggy meowed back. Definitely the cry of a kitten. Piggy coaxed the kitten out of the storeroom and the little wildebeast rubbed herself on her legs and then did the same to me.
Every worker was asking us to take the cat because it had been crying for days. The cat is so skinny and young (7 months). We brought her upstairs and feed her tuna. She gave us look that said "One can ladies are you kidding me, I am skin and bones". Piggy named her Needy, then Greedy. Afterall your not a Needy cat if you act like an entitled queen who lost her throne. I told Piggy she is just Greedy for now.
In my opinion we are not prepared for a cat. Physically we are constantly fatigued by our health problems. We live on Piggy's Social Security check. How do we afford a vet, food etc.?
We are already Squeezing out Cents.
Piggy gave me that look that says figure it out. Greedy is shrieking for more food. I do not want her to get a stomach ache so to distract the cat Piggy bathed her. We have a small stockpile of 15 BumbleBee tuna (White Albacore in water, Pathmark $.77 sale) She has a couple of fleas on her so we researched natural flea baths. Piggy bought a cat litter box from the dollar store and I put newspaper and dirt I had for planting. The dirt I bought from Shoprite was good for outdoor plants not indoor. Five dead plants later...I am glad to recycle the dirt and the newspaper. Now we are cooking with gas.
The cat acts like Piggy and I have always been here. She is so neat with the litter box its astonishing. It really is the royal arse. She also has the worst gas I have smelled since the pipe leaked in the street. Noxious fumes aside, Niyama as I have named her thinks she is the Queen here. Welcome to your castle in Philadelphia little one, you are indeed home.

Monday, September 14, 2009


My sister is jokes. We are both middle-aged, so we are not the core group MTV is trying to appeal to. My sister loves television. She has been like this since she came to america as a teenager. When she lived in New York and cable came to Brooklyn her part time job went to paying the cable.
Fast Forward 2008, my sister has been fighting cancer for five years. I am also ill and we cannot afford cable. My sister will not speak to me. I look for ways to entertain us because we are both ill and Thank God for the Library and free movie rentals. 2009-we have Comcast (who lowered there price to $30.00) because we cannot get Dish Network(so much cheaper and great packages) in our apartment complex.
My sister and I used to enjoy the MTV videos and she likes a few of their shows. Crazy Teenagers and aging ones make my sister laugh. Tonight was the Video Music Awards and my sister cannot stand Lady GaGa.
Lady GaGa mixes what looks like performance art with songs that I personally do not like. My sister adores Beyonce. Watching her yell at Lady GaGa all night and smile at all the nonsense told me why some sacrifices are worth it.
70% of our lives are spent ill, in pain and struggling to function. Really laughing at our tough times and not quitting is what life is really about. Faith! Plus the nutty sister telling the Lady GaGa that she is not Beyonce is pretty cool too!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


What is up with everyone wanting to be friends. We all so want to be friends that even the President with 70% of voters OK with his speech to the schoolchildren, has to try and bring the other 30% over to his side. I mean really, is the other 30% more important than the 70%? This really exemplifies how much approval is needed not only by our President, but by us as a nation as well.

Is it the pressure of having every one's approval leading us to friendships we do not really desire. When did respect and ties to your community become less important than the Neighbor I bonded with yesterday liking and accepting me. Basic rules of communication and human exchange are being replaced with a constant need of approval from visible and invisible masses that we give power to create opinion polls that have us doubting ourselves.

President Obama is such good friends with the newscasters in Philadelphia that most of them refer to him as Mr. Obama. My upstairs Neighbor told me how she loves it when the workers in our apartment complex call her baby or darling because she is "tight" with them. I expressed that they can me Ma'am or Madame as they do in my country because I am not their buddy. My Neighbor then told me that if your friends with them they help you out, do special favors. It seems to me that a friendship not earned but assumed on glib aesthetics is what people want, then they can call me President Obama as well. In the end no matter what position you hold in life or unto yourself, if your not careful, you can easily become whatever someone wants to make you if you seek approval and not respect.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


New Fall Season has started and you know what that means? Nothing. Piggy and I in two chairs discussing what the heck is going on out here. Why does everybody need pity to be on a reality show. On "So You Think You Can Dance", one of the dancers that they featured during the auditions discussed that her mother was unable to walk. While they are sharing this slice of her life all I think of what does this have to do with the audition? While I have compassion for her mother's difficulties, why does bonding with people on this level become so important on television the last few years? I am sure we can all agree that almost every person you will encounter in this life is having problems or has had some form of tragedy. Why do we need to experience yours when there is already so much going on? It just angers me that dignity has gone out the window. You just decide that like someone based on the fact that feel sorry for them. What do you think?

Comcast Special

Money-In Squeezing Out Cents! Everything we do has to justify its expenses. Cable we pay $38 with DVR included and free HBO for a year. Comcast has a coupon online now for internet service for $19.99 and faster modem included. Here is the deal, I got their internet service and I am paying with taxes for cable and internet $65.88. This is worth it to me because we use coupons and amongst other sources to print from. Paying for one service saves money for other expenses. Plus cable keeps Piggy calm. You always want to keep Piggy calm. More on that later. My tip on Comcast is keep track of your expenses and make sure to read that bill throughly. I was being charged $15.00 on the DVR when they told me $8.00. They do a lot of double talk for example the woman kept saying your getting a special price. Really lady I am thinking not special enough. Its $8.00 or nothing. Once you start slipping on the pricing you will not catch the little add ons that companies like Comcast do when your not paying attention. Has anyone ever gone through that? What did you do?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


American television had left me so bored lately that Piggy and I watch Korean soap operas every weeknight at 10pm on the mind channel. Love public access. The joke is we are always putting the sound up because we cannot hear. Hellooo nobody speaks, reads or writes Korean. Anyway I am always coveting what they are cooking. Noodles, soup, lovely veggies ummm. I cannot find a produce place I really love out here that is affordable. Free peppers anyone, oranges that are delicious and cheap? I can dream and I shall. Maybe even in Korean.


In Squeezing Out Cents our main focus will be food, television and money. Something we never have enough of. Good Television, not that much. Food, always trying to figure how to afford it. Money, well.... My sister Denise (aka Piggy) and I live on $950 a month. Piggy and I are both fighting illnesses. Why fight? What else are we going to do? We live in Philadelphia for 1 year and still getting used it. We promise not to do too many sad rants. But rant we will my friends!!! Feel free to rant as well.